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TGUP’s Save a Girl ™ Program Receives National Recognition

Brenda Birrell (photo credit: Cody Pickens)

Sample Save a Girl kit

The Global Uplift Project’s (TGUP) Save a Girl ™ (SaG) program was just recognized by one of the premier publications in the world.

The reason females are second class citizens in most of the world is that girls have less education than boys. Save a Girl ™ helps address that.
— Brenda Birrell
LIVERMORE, CA, UNITED STATES, October 10, 2024 / -- AARP Magazine, the official publication of the American Association of Retired People, highlighted how Save a Girl™ helps girls in the developing world manage their menstrual period so they can stay in school.

The magazine is the highest circulation magazine in the U.S., by far, with more than 21 million subscribers.

In the article, Brenda Birrell, inventor of the Save a Girl ™ kit, discussed how as many as 50 million girls in the developing world drop out of school every year because they cannot manage their period. According to Birrell, “It is the greatest preventable loss of human potential in the world.”

Save a Girl ™ is a washable, reusable sanitary kit that is given to adolescent girls free of charge. TGUP has made and distributed more than 87,000 of the kits to girls in eleven countries in the developing world.

The kits are made in sewing centers that TGUP has established in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon, and Nepal. A kit costs $6 to make and lasts for three years.

Said Birrell, “Keeping a girl in school for $2 a year is probably one of the highest returns on human development investment in the world.”

The article discuses how when girls don’t have access to solutions such as Save a Girl ™, they resort to “homespun” remedies such as sitting on dried leaves, or dried cow dung. Those recourses might work, but they don’t help the girls attend school.

According to TGUP’s research, which is noted in the article, when girls do have SaG kits, a variety of improvements in school follow. Their attendance improves. Their grades rise. Scores on nationally normed exams skyrocket. Graduation rates increase.

According to Birrell, “The reason females are second class citizens in most of the world is that girls have less education than boys. Save a Girl ™ helps address that.”

The Global Uplift Project is a California-based 501c3 nonprofit, founded in 2007. It has built almost 500 educational infrastructure projects in the developing world: classrooms; libraries; science labs; latrines; and more. Over their durations, those projects will help almost 3,000,000 of the poorest people in the world have just a slightly better chance in life.

Robert Freeman
The Global Uplift Project
+1 650-575-3434
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Sample Save a Girl kit

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